Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Writing History

I took my first steps at writing for possible public distribution in 1974. I made this 'newsletter' called The Alchemist's Gazette. This saw no distribution beyond my immediate family. It contained some short comedy pieces and some cartoons drawn by my brother Steve and me.

About a year later I took my first crack at writing a novel. I still remember the title, December Disaster. It was the tale of the collapse of civilization brought on by a huge solar flare. The next one was a somber tale about fascists taking over the United States. Nothing of these first two works remain. I do, however, still have an over 200 page manuscript for a novel I worked on in high school, titled Like Hell on Earth. It was a tale of a German victory in WW2 with them occupying the United States. I never finished it and, sorry, but I'm not going to try. Just isn't my style anymore and the story is SO disjointed.

In 1980 I put out my first political tract that did see some public circulation. This led to the creation of The Thought, my newsletter that came out in many forms until June of 2005. I am pleased to say that it is in the collection of the New York Public Library and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, among others.

In the summer of 2009 my friend Chris Becker told me that I should revisit a series of short stories about vampires that I wrote and published back in 1989-1990. I looked them over and found the core story to be worth the effort of recasting into a series of novels. My wife strongly encouraged me to take the plunge, and thus the venture began.

For the future I intend to write a series of novels. I have ideas for novels that don't involve my vampires as well, though I will admit to being very partial towards them right now. They seem like more than mere fictional characters. They are people that I know. Products of my imagination, granted.

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